Excel VBA

Getting Started with excel VBA

Excel Macros

Macro Comments

Message Box

Input Box



  • Arithmetic operator
  • Logical Operator
  • Comparison operator
  • Concatenation operators

VBA Decisions

  • If Statement
  • If else Statement
  • If elseIf else statement
  • Nested If statement
  • Switch Statement

VBA Loops

  • For Loops
  • For each Loops
  • while wend loops
  • Do while loops
  • Do until loops
  • Loop control Statement
  • Exit For
  • Exit Do

VBA Strings

  •  Instr
  • Instring Reverse
  • Lcase
  • Ucase
  • Left
  • Right
  • Mid
  • Ltrim
  • Rtrim
  • Trim
  • Len
  • Replace
  • Space
  • StrComp
  • String Function
  • String Reverse Function

VBA Date Time Function

  • Date Functions
  • CDate Functions
  • Dateadd Function
  • Datediff Function
  • DatePart Function
  • DateSerial Function
  • Format DateTime Function
  • IsDate Function
  • Day Function
  • Month Function
  • Year Function
  • Month Name 
  • Weekday
  • Weekday Name
  • Time Function
  • Now Function
  • Hour Function
  • Minute Function
  • Second Function
  • Timer Function
  • Time Serial Function
  • TimeValue Function

VBA Arrays

  • Array Declaration
  • Assigning Values to an array
  • Multi Dimensional Arrays
  • ReDim Statement
  • Array Methods
  • LBound Function
  • UBound Function
  • Split Function
  • Join Function
  • Filter Function
  • IsArray Function
  • Erase Function

VBA- User Defined Functions

  •  Function Definition
  • Calling Function

VBA-SUB Procedure

  •  Calling Procedure

VBA- Events

  •  Worksheet Events
  • WorkBook Events

VBA- Error Handling

  • Syntax Errors
  • Runtime Errors
  • Logical Errors
  • Err Errors
  • Error Handling

VBA- Excel Objects

  • Application Objects
  • Workbook Objects
  • Worksheet Objects
  • Range Objects

VBA- Text-Files

  • File System Object (FSO)
  • Write Command

VBA- Programming Charts

VBA- User Forms

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